10 Remedies to Help Combat Morning Sickness

10 remedies to combat morning sicknessJust because morning sickness is a part of pregnancy, doesn’t mean that you have to suffer through it. There are several methods to help you combat morning sickness and make you feel better. Some of those options are natural remedies that will give you relief. Here are ten remedies that other women have found to be helpful during their pregnancy. 

Ten Remedies to Combat Morning Sickness

1. Ginger.

Cut or grate some ginger root and pour hot water over it to drink as a tea. It’s a Chinese medicine that is used for sick tummies. You can also take ginger root in a capsule form.

2. Vitamin B6.

Eat foods that are high in Vitamin-B and take Vitamin B6 to help with morning sickness. Take 25 mg every eight hours to help with nausea and vomiting.

3. Zinc.

Take 25 mg of Zinc supplements per day to help combat morning sickness. 

4. Exercise.

You may not be able to jog or run while pregnant, but just walking 15-30 minutes a day can help fight fatigue and nausea. 

5. Crackers.

Eating crackers can help fight a queasy stomach. Keep a pack of crackers next to the bed and eat a few before getting up in the morning. 

6. Make a Belly Rub.

Create your own belly rub by mixing one drop of peppermint oil and three drops of chamomile oil. Place the oil on a damp, warm towel and gently rub your belly.

7. Mint.

Your body will feel less nauseated after eating or sniffing the fresh flavor of mint. You can even place one drop of peppermint oil on a sugar cube to place in a cup of tea or to suck on.

8. Eat Small Meals.

You need to make sure you balance your carbs and proteins to maintain a good blood sugar level. Eating five to six small meals a day will keep your stomach from hitting empty and help keep you feeling better all day.

9. Avoid Certain Foods.

Avoid eating spicy, fried, fatty, and greasy foods, because they all could contribute to your sickness. Also try to avoid the artificial sweeteners and caffeine. 

10. Acupuncture.

Acupuncture and acupressure have been used as effective treatments to help with nausea. Acupuncture treatments or bands that put pressure on your nerves in the center of your wrist could be a way to relieve morning sickness. 

Learn more at Newborn Course

These remedies can easily be accomplished and can help pregnant women combat morning sickness. It doesn’t matter if this is your first pregnancy, or if you have several children already, newborncourse.com is a program dedicated to providing you with doctor-approved online parenting courses. If you would like more information on morning sickness or anything else about pregnancy, Register today! 

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