An Open Letter to New Dads: Dear Dad, I Love You Unconditionally

The following is an open letter to new dads.

Dear Dad,

On this, your first Father’s Day, I just want to tell you that you are enough. You are all I need, just as you are. You are everything, just as you are.

open letter to new dads

I’ll be coming soon, and I know that might scare you. There is a lot to do to prepare, and you’re probably spending a lot of your time taking care of the external things—my room, my safety, the health and happiness of the woman whose belly I currently call home—and that is a lot to handle. But Dad, you’re doing great.

 NewbornCourse was created to help you prepare for me. Go ahead, take them. I’ll wait.

I’ll wait because I know you are going to be the best dad I could ever ask for. I know this because you already love me more than you ever thought it was possible to love someone. I can feel it, and I do everything I can to send it back to you. When you hold me in your arms, I’ll know I’m safe. I will treasure memories of you singing me to sleep for the rest of my life, no matter how out of tune the music might be. I’ll love the silly games we play. I will miss you when you leave (to go to work, or the grocery store, or to take a shower), but I will wait patiently, knowing you will always come back.  

I won’t remember the diaper rashes, the timeouts, or the first time I get sick. I won’t remember that you were scared. I probably won’t even notice, because I’m not scared. I have you. What I will see, and what I’ll always remember, is the love, and how you took care of me.

All I really need is for you to love me unconditionally. I love you unconditionally already.

Happy Father’s Day, Dad. I’ll see you soon.



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