Baby Shower Games For Everyone To Play

Pregnancy has two definitive happy moments: the baby is born and the baby shower!

baby shower games - woman expecting a baby dressed in yellow with flowers in the backgroundThere are so many good things that happen at a baby shower:

  • You get supplies you need for the baby in hospital and out
  • You get to see friends and family
  • You get to be the absolute center of attention 

Chances are someone hosts the shower other than the mother to be which makes it much easier to plan games for everyone involved because exhaustion is a thing. There are quite a few party games for baby showers. Instead of spending hours on Pinterest, here are some super fun activities that do not take a lot of work.

  1. Give everyone some sort of token (i.e. clothespin) when they arrive. Anytime someone says the word “baby” the first person to hear it gets that person’s clothespin. Whoever has the most at the end gets a prize. This is a good time to start humming Justin Bieber’s song Baby in the hopes that someone cannot resist singing along.
  2. Guess the baby food- If baby food looks a little gross to you then you aren’t alone. But how does it taste? Find out what it tastes like and have guests try to guess what they are eating themselves.
  3. Bobbing for nipples- Also good for those co-ed parties this is just like bobbing for apples but with bottle nipples. Try to explain the rules without laughing. Try.
  4. The diaper relay- This should be a pre-requisite to bringing the baby home from the hospital. While blindfolded people are supposed to change a baby (doll) diaper. This is probably the best preparation for midnight diaper changes.
  5. Baby in an ice cube- Go to any party store and get a bag of itty bitty babies. Fill up an ice cube tray with water. Put one baby in each molding cube and freeze. Give one cube to every guest and when someone’s ice cube has melted their “water has broken” and they win the game.
  6.  Late night diaper notes- Each guest gets a diaper and writes a note to the parents to be. Something funny or supportive that may make the two a.m. blow out not so frustrating.
  7. Baby item price is right- Have guest guess how much typical baby gear is worth (i.e. diapers, wipes, creams). Whoever gets the closest to reality wins.
  8. Sperm cornhole- with “sperm” in the name it is clearly not one for a kid inclusive shower but it is super fun for adults. It is bean bag toss with a twist as the bean bags are shaped like sperm.
  9. Baby Jeopardy- Choose categories and put questions in each category accordingly. Instead of dollars, you get points. Whoever has the most points wins.
  10. Baby’s first portrait- If you want to make everyone laugh hysterically this is a good one. Have everyone take a marker and a sturdy piece of paper or a paper plate. While holding the paper on top of their heads your guests have to draw a baby. Let the hilarity ensue.

Being pregnant is long and hard work. Being a parent is even harder. Newborn Course can give you the information to get you through both. In the meantime, enjoy your baby shower.

 Check out more on our Pinterest board on Baby Showers

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