So Who do I Tell and When do I Tell Them I’m Pregnant?

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There are probably a million different questions running through your mind, as well as feelings of excitement, joy, and maybe even a bit of fear, but don’t worry. This is all a part of the process, and you aren’t the first person who has been there.

So, who do you tell and when do you tell them? This is entirely up to you. Before you retreat into your little hole and spend the next nine months living as a hermit, or text your entire contact list the good news, take a minute and figure out what’s best for you. Pregnancy is a very personal experience for parents. There are aspects of it that are very private, so who you tell, and when you tell them is a decision that you are going to want to make with some thought and confidence.

As far as when goes, outside of your immediate circle, it is common practice for parents to wait until the end of their first trimester to make a formal announcement. Miscarriage is most likely during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, which is why some parents choose to wait but don’t fret just yet. Many a mother has held her breath waiting for the second trimester to begin, which is when the chances of miscarriage drop to 10%. The best thing you can do now, for you and your baby, is focus on maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. Don’t miss any of those visits to your doctor, and surround yourself with people who will support you during this time. Which brings us to the matter of who you should tell.

You’re about to be parents! Announcing that you’re about to have a baby is a very big deal, and letting everyone in your world know is about to make you very popular. Assuming that you have already told those who are closest to you (your mom, your sister, your best friend forever), you may be wondering if your mother in law really needs to know just yet, or if you should just let the inevitable bump tell your boss and co-workers for you. Again, this is entirely up to you, but remember that your little bundle of joy is going to be on everyone’s mind, and the more people who know, the more love your little bun is going to get sent their way.

For More Information, Check Out our Pinterest Board On Preparing For Birth

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